Stay Strong Forever Bundle

Stay Strong Forever


"I'm afraid of getting an injury."
"I want to stay active."
“Should I lift as a runner?”
“I feel awkward when I go to the gym.”
 “What exercises should I be working on to stay healthy?”
 “I want to get back on track.”
“I need a simple, easy exercise plan.”
 “How can I avoid injury?”
“What are the best exercises for runners?”
“I don’t know where to start.”
“Is bodyweight enough?”
 “I’m feeling out of shape.”
“How can I get stronger?”
“I want to feel better.”
“Won’t lifting bulk me up?”
 “I just don’t know what to do next…”
“I’ve heard lifting will slow me down, and I want to stay fast”
“I don’t have enough time.”  

  If so, then the Complete Runner Strength Program is for you!

Want to know what you get when you work with us?
Check this out...

What you get with this course

  • High-quality video workouts: Short, impactful videos that guide you step by step through the best exercises for runners.
  • Bulletproof Exercises: Exercises designed to hit all the biggest problem areas for runners so you can stay healthy and keep doing what you love!
  • Auto-progression Formula: Simple strategy for avoiding training plateaus and getting as strong as possible!
  • Exercise Handout: Downloadable PDF with pictures and step-by-step instructions of all the exercises.
  • FREE one-on-one strategy call! Free coaching and consultation session with one of our experts to make sure you're getting the most out of your workouts.
  • FREE Running tips! Our collection of our best advice for staying healthy and on the road.

Meet the Body Smart Team

What We've Done For Our Clients

With over two decades of combined experience we've... 
  • Helped THOUSANDS of people JUST LIKE YOU
  • Become EXPERTS in exercise and healthy living 
  • Provided EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT workouts 
  • Taught our clients how to train SAFELY while Becoming Body Smart
  • Given them SUPPORT from our COMMUNITY and experts
  • Had FUN and meaningful CONNECTIONS with our clients
  • Helped them MASTER their METABOLISM
  • And helped them to actually ACHIEVE their fitness goals for life!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • How does this work? This course is self-guided. It'll take you through all the best exercises for runners. t's designed to be quick, simple, yet hit all the recommended exercises in a short time period. You can follow along with the videos for all of the workouts or just use them as a reference. There's also a pdf download off all the exercises. You also receive a free one-on-one call with one of our experts to customize the program to you and to get additional help and insight.
  • How long will this course take? It will take you through 4 "Level 1" workouts, which are designed for foundational strength, and 4 "Level 2" workouts, which include more plyometric and single leg exercises to up the challenge.
  • Do I need this? Yes, if you want to bulletproof yourself against injuries and be prepared to handle whatever comes your way. The key is that we are building for the long-term plan. Establish a solid and consistent strength training routine so you can stay healthy and stay on the road.
  • I've tried programs like this in the past - what makes this different? These workouts are designed to hit all the main problem areas that typically sideline runners and help you to build foundational strength, so you're ready for anything. 
  • What if I don't feel ready yet? What are you waiting for? You got to this page because you want something different. Take action now, but do it on your own time. This course allows you to start getting past the frustration setbacks, and puts you in the drivers seat to go at the pace you're most comfortable. We give you the keys, but you get to drive this course for life.
  • What if I'm just scared to commit? We understand where you're coming from. Whenever we make changes, there's always the fear of committing to them. Remember, anything worthwhile take commitment and some effort. Taking care of yourself is key to being who you want to be for the things you love. Making the commitment to yourself to start and maintain your healthy lifestyle is what will help you live life on your terms again.